From BrineRIS Dataspace
Revision as of 13:47, 3 December 2023 by Maintenance script (talk | contribs) (Update package: OSW Core)
Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Entity/doc
local p = {} --p stands for package
local mwjson = require('Module:MwJson')
function p.process(frame, mode, title)
local msg = "Debug Output: <br>" --debug msg
local res = ""
if title == nil then title = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().fullText end
local namespace = mwjson.splitString(title, ':')[1]
local jsondata_res = mwjson.loadJson({title=title, slot=mwjson.slots.jsondata})
local jsondata = jsondata_res.json
local debug = mwjson.defaultArg(jsondata[mwjson.keys.debug], false)
msg = msg .. jsondata_res.debug_msg
local process_res = nil
if (namespace == "Category") then
if (mode == "header") then process_res = mwjson.processJsondata({frame=frame, jsondata=jsondata, mode=mwjson.mode.header, categories={"Category:Category"}, recursive=true, debug=debug}) end
if (mode == "footer") then process_res = mwjson.processJsondata({frame=frame, jsondata=jsondata, mode=mwjson.mode.footer, categories={"Category:Category"}, recursive=true, debug=debug}) end
--mw.smw.set( {["IsA"]="Category:Category"}) --Todo: use type / HasType ?
if (mode == "header") then process_res = mwjson.processJsondata({frame=frame, jsondata=jsondata, mode=mwjson.mode.header, debug=debug}) end
if (mode == "footer") then process_res = mwjson.processJsondata({frame=frame, jsondata=jsondata, mode=mwjson.mode.footer, debug=debug}) end
res = res .. process_res.wikitext
msg = msg .. process_res.debug_msg
if (debug) then res = msg .. res end
--if (debug) then mw.log(msg) end
return res
function p.header(frame, title)
return p.process(frame, "header", title)
function p.footer(frame, title)
return p.process(frame, "footer", title)
--test: mw.logObject(p.query(mw.getCurrentFrame(), '{"category":"Category:Hardware","manufacturer":"TestM"}'))
function p.query(frame, jsondata_str)
if (jsondata_str == nil) then jsondata_str = frame.args['jsondata'] end
--local res = mwjson.processJsondata({frame=frame, jsondata=mw.text.jsonDecode(jsondata_str), mode=mwjson.mode.query}).wikitext
return jsondata_str --.. "<br>" .. res
return p
--DEBUG (direct invoke)
frame = mw.getCurrentFrame() -- Get a frame object
newFrame = frame:newChild{ title=title, args = {}}
mw.log(p.header( newFrame, title ) )